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Frequently Asked Questions:

Last updated 29/03/2024.


Your business hours are listed as 09:00 - 13:00 Mon-Sat, does this mean that orders will not get processed beyond these times?

No it doesn't, we still continue processing orders beyond these times, it all depends on how many orders have been placed for that day.  The times listed are when our business phone/messaging facility is manned.  If you contact us outside these times, we will return your call/message as soon as we can.


Are we able to collect our order to avoid paying postal costs?

Unfortunately not as the address we have provided is a returns address (for returning faulty/damaged goods and correspondence only.)  Goods cannot be purchased or collected at this location as our stock is securely stored in a storage facility, which is inaccessible to the public.


Why is there only one choice of flat-rate postage and packaging for items under £20.00?

Unfortunately, it is too complex for us to set up each item by size and weight, as all of our items vary greatly in weight so it was easier to implement one flat rate cost, but please note that if your order exceeds £20.00, you will get FREE DELIVERY so it is worth taking advantage of this.


Are any of your pieces 100% silver or gold?

No, they aren't.  Our pieces are made of non-precious metals but that doesn't mean that the quality or craftsmanship is compromised in any way.  We have purposely designed our pieces to be unique and affordable for everyone and as long as you follow the care instructions provided with each purchase, it can last for many years.


In the jewellery trade, what is the difference between handcrafted and handmade?

Handcrafted means that all raw materials involved in a piece have been crafted from start to finish by hand including the beads/charms etc.  Handmade however (which is how we make ours) means the beading and charms are pre-made and come in loose or partially assembled form and have been modified by us, to design a complete jewellery piece.  (So although you may come across the loose charms/beads elsewhere, all of the finished designs are exclusively our own and will not be found anywhere else unless someone cheaply replicates them.)


Why choose handmade jewellery over a commercially recognised brand?

When you choose handmade, you are supporting small local businesses that add a personal touch to the items that you receive as they have made each piece individually and cannot be purchased anywhere else.  Anyone can buy items that are commercially available and mass-produced, but there is nothing unique about them.  We like to stand out with our beautiful creations.


What determines the price of each jewellery piece?

Two main factors go into consideration.  The first is; the materials that have been used and the second is; the length of time it has taken to create.  (For example, if the design is intricate, it will have taken more craftsmanship to produce and will be priced at a higher price.) 

We try our best to charge at least one hour national living wage for any piece that takes up to 1hr to create and additional costs for pieces that have taken 2 or more hours to create, but to be honest, we have under-priced many pieces at the moment as we are a new business (less than 5 years old) and we are trying to establish a core customer base, but in the future, some prices may need to be increased for us to cover our monthly business expenses.


Your wax melts are more expensive than those generally on the market.  Why is this?

We have several reasons for this.  Firstly, everything is freshly made, once a month by hand, secondly, we don't use cheap quality products (like some sellers do, to maximise profits.)  If you want to know more about the high-quality products we use please click 'here'.  Thirdly, we are not a major corporation that can mass produce stock.  Each batch takes over 15 hours to produce and after the curing phase, we have to go back and add each rhinestone by hand as well as add the labelling (which is another full day's work.)  We believe our prices are fair for the work that we put in.


Will you ever launch a simpler range of wax melts without any dyes/glitter?

Yes, we will  Please give us time and we will launch these at some point in the future.  We are also hoping to launch many different design ideas that have never been seen before in the world of jewellery design or wax melts so please follow us on our mobile app and social networks to stay updated.


Do you have any sustainable packaging (instead of plastic) that can be used to protect the jewellery from rusting/discolouration?

Not yet unfortunately as we are not aware of any alternative high quality, cost-effective packaging that can be used, but if you have any suggestions, we are willing to listen.  Please feel free to contact us.


Will you ever sell internationally?

It may be an option we consider one day but for now, we are only selling within the UK, as want to establish ourselves as a UK brand first.


Can you custom-design jewellery?

Unfortunately, we can't as we don't like working to a particular design specification and deadline.  We enjoy designing pieces from the heart, without restriction and our inspiration changes daily, so we wouldn't be able to accommodate this sadly.


Do you sell wholesale?

We don't unfortunately and there are no plans to do so.


Do you have any physical stores?

No, we do not, as we believe online selling is the future of retail and it is a more cost-effective way of running/managing a business.


Do you plan to attend any fairs where you can sell directly to the public?

There are no plans to operate at any fairs as our range is more suited to an online platform but if we do, we will let you know via this website as well as our mobile app and social networking platforms.

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